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Is our life sustainable? [Interneteko baliabidea - Webgunea - Erronka] / egilea, Javier Ramos Sancha

Nork:Ramos Sancha, JavierKolaboratzailea(k):CEDEC (Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas no Propietarios)Material mota:Fitxategi elektronikoaFitxategi elektronikoaSerie(ak): EDIA proiektua (Hezkuntza Baliabide Irekia)Deskribapen fisikoa: Webgunea : kolGaia(k): Erronketan oinarritutako ikaskuntza | Lehen Hezkuntza (LMH) | Ingelesa | Lehen Hezkuntza (LMH) | Naturaren ZientziakGeneroa/Forma:Baliabide digitalak | Curriculumeko baliabideak | Eduki digital didaktikoak Sareko errekurtsoak:Joan material honetara | Deskargatu webgunea Adina / Maila: Welcome to a new learning adventure in which we are going to improve our Sicence skills and your ICT ones, also we are going to learn some English skills. This project is about the your energy, what the different types of energy are and how we can be sustainable with the use of energy in our daily lifes. Try to do your best and to enjoy your learning process.
Item mota Current library Material mota Katalogo zenbakia Statusa Itzultze data Barra-kodea
Baliabide elektronikoak - oinarrizkoak Baliabide elektronikoak - oinarrizkoak Eima Katalogoa
Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza INTERNETEKO BALIABIDEA Ale eskuragarriak EK21050349

Welcome to a new learning adventure in which we are going to improve our Sicence skills and your ICT ones, also we are going to learn some English skills. This project is about the your energy, what the different types of energy are and how we can be sustainable with the use of energy in our daily lifes. Try to do your best and to enjoy your learning process.

LMH, 5. eta 6. mailak

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